We Deliver Quality Water and Waste Water Management
Our vision is a Green Built Environment where all have Clean Water and Wastewater is Disposed Off or reused to Protect the Environment

Who We Are
We are a Water and Wastewater Engineering Firm based in Kirinyaga, with a Vision for a Green Built Environment where all have Clean Water and Wastewater is Disposed Off or reused to Protect the Environment, reducing effects of Climate Change.
We are focused on delivering Quality Service with a Gender Sensitive Lean Structure that embraces Innovation & Technology for a Healthy Society
Call Us Today for any Inquiries
We are accessible during office hours throughout the week
“Since Aljuli Engineering Ltd installed our System we have had a peace of mind. We have enjoyed clean water and our living environment has really changed. Thanks great team on Aljuli Engineering.”
Bosco Kasundu
“The technology being implemented by Aljuli Engineering Ltd is modern and revolutionary. Its been 5 years since we installed the system and we have forgotten exhauster services.”
Charles Komu
“The Wastewater system installed for the school is working well and making a lot of savings for us. We haven’t called the exhauster in 2 years unlike before where we used to call them every month. Thanks Aljuli for the great work.”
Jesse Mwangi, Principal, Kerugoya School for the Deaf
Get a quote for any of our services today!
Our prices are competitive and customized to your specific needs